Tuesday, August 10, 2010

In memory of Lacie Hedahl

I just had a ridiculously clear flashback to my Junior year of high school. Ms. Hedahl pulled me into her office and was talking to me about the movie Hairspray that had recently come out.
She kept telling me how much the character reminded her of me- and how I should be playing that part.

Before that moment, I had never even really heard much of Hairspray. Just a few songs and the story. But when she told me that, I of course had to find out for myself.

And sure enough, I fell in love. Because of what Ms. Hedahl said. And what a compliment. To remind someone of Tracy. A strong, optimistic, loving girl. And she told me that she hoped I got the opportunity to do that show one day.

Well, Thursday is right around the corner, and I get to be Tracy. For one night. On the big stage.

I thought about this conversation when I was writing my bio for the program, and ended up dedicating the entire experience to Ms. Hedahl. Because I really do owe it to her. Not just the love for the show, but for the music. And the passion. And the support.

We take advantage of what it feels like to have someone believe in you so strongly.

I am so lucky. I am the understudy, and the beautiful and talented Lindsey Hedberg, who's playing Tracy, GAVE me a show. And now I have family driving ridiculous miles to come see, friends coming from all over, and their families coming along for the show.
And I am so grateful. And blessed.
But I really wish there was one seat with Lacie Hedahl sitting in it. I feel like everything has kind of worked up to this moment- and if she could be there... well. I know she'd be proud. And that's the best I can do.

I just hope she hasn't been forgotten yet.
I think about her every day- how could I not? Especially with everything lately? I know she'll be there helping me through all my nerves and doubts when that curtain opens.

It's been about 9 months since Ms. Hedahl passed away, but that day in her office feels like yesterday.

Just take a minute to be grateful for every person around you who loves you and supports you. It's truly one of the greatest gifts in the world.

1 comment:

  1. I've been getting snippets of that show stuck in my head for that last few weeks... particularly my favorite line of Penny's "In my ivory tower, life was just a hostess snack..."

    It's ridiculous that every time I still end up thinking about Lacie. She lent me her Hairspray CD of the show so I could hear the character voices that were indicated for the song we were singing in Chamber choir (circa. 2003).

    That was a long time ago (over ten years EEK!), but wow, I still miss her. I think I probably miss the opportunity to show her all the things she would be proud of me for. Especially finding the rest of my voice (Thanks to Pamela Bathurst!). Oh and I miss all the things I didn't get to know about her, because she was our teacher, she didn't let us in as often because she was being professional. I always got the sense that in just a couple years, after her job wasn't affected anymore, we could be good friends.

    Congrats on getting to play such a fun role, Emily! (I know it's way late!) I'm sure you performed amazingly!
