Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Love, Save the Empty

{Navy Taxi by Kate Nash}

What a strange day. Slash- strange week.
I am ready to be back in Moscow- it must sound like I'm bipolar or something. The happiness of being home was short-lived.
But thankfully- the rest of the summer should go rather smoothly. I'm going to Moscow this weekend to see 2 of the shows, and Mandie and John before they leave me to be grown-ups. Should prove to be a great weekend- always is :)
Half the fun is the drive- I would drive forever if I could. I love driving. And the drive from Coeur d'Alene to Moscow-over the Palouse- is beautiful. Especially during the summer. In my truck. It's like the perfect combination.

And then I come home and work my ass off to be completely ready for Hairspray rehearsal to start next weekend! And then the summer will just go by too fast once that starts. It always works that way.
And then school starts. And I'll wish I was back here :)

Update since my last blog- I've written 2 songs. Both still pretty rough- but ready to work on and perfect. One more so than the other. I've been attached to my guitar the last year and a half that I've kind of ignored the piano.
And after I wrote last time, I went and sat down at our baby grand and it was just pretty freakin easy. So I've put the guitar away for a little while- taking a break. And then maybe when I pick it up again I'll have the same response as I did with the piano.

That's really all- some exciting/interesting stuff has happened this week- but nothing I'm comfortable blogging about. I kinda like it being a secret :)

Deep moment of the blog- I kept telling myself that the friends I made this last year are the kind of friends you have for life- that you never lose touch with. And deep down I was worried that we'd grow apart.
OF COURSE we'll grow apart. Hello- it's part of life- and that is DEFINITELY something I have learned over my short little life.
But yesterday- I had a huge sense of reassurance when I looked at my Twitter and saw a sweet little message from Chase, and talked to Mandie on the phone for a long time. About boys- of course :)
And it just kinda really sunk in that I will always have them.
And that's a great feeling.
The kind of feeling that makes colors brighter and makes the world look like a better place.

I need to start reminding myself that despite the bad-
I'm a pretty lucky girl.

[QUOTE, Sucka!]

It is not our purpose to become each other; it is to recognize each other, to learn to see the other and honor him for what he is.
-Hermann Hesse

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