Friday, July 9, 2010

To Inspire

WOW. I am in such an emotional and open place right now. In a good way, I think. I'm allowing myself to feel, which I don't always do. I know my theatre coffee gang would be really proud of me :)

This video is....beautiful. Sara Bareilles has been someone I admired since I first heard her. She has a powerful, bluesy voice- kinda like I would describe my own. They sound very different, but are similar all in the same. Her new album comes out first week of September, and I DO NOT want to wait. So she just did a session with VH1, and even though this is an old song, I'm so glad she sang it, because it's one of her best. And I'm going through it right now. SHE just keeps getting better though.

This just reassures me that I want to be a musician. Broadway would be great, and I want to do that too, but this is what I've ALWAYS wanted. To sing my music to people who want to listen. To move people with my music.
Too bad I'm a chicken and can't yet bring myself to share that part of my soul yet.

In honoring for Kelly's class this last year, she asked me to take my honoring to Caitlin to the next step and actually sing the song I wrote.
Those who know me- I love attention. I love the spotlight. And I'll sing anytime. But that was such a hard moment for me. Sitting in front of the most accepting people, in the SAFEST place in the world for me, and shaking- not even able to phrase the song correctly because I was so nervous.

I don't know why it's so hard.

Yes I do. It's because the music I write IS my soul. I don't sugar coat anything- and my lyrics are no where up to par with Ingrid and Sara- but they're my own- and that scares the shit out of me know that people are going to be listening to them. Judging them (how I see it). My inner most secrets and feelings. Terrifying. But I think I really need to take that risk. Just do it- go for it. Who cares is people don't like it? It's mine. Right?

Geez I'm just SO inspired right now. And someday I want to have a young girl hear me sing one of my songs and be completely inspired to have music in HER life.

Sara Bareilles is a true artist to me. So is Ingrid Michaelson. And Ben Folds. These three, specifically, because 1) They write their own music 2)With no inhibitions 3)They SOUND GOOD LIVE

That's the main thing- for me- when deciding if I really respect and admire an artist. If they can't perform live, then they're just using the recording studio and producers and machines to sound good- and that's bullshit.

I'm really just blurbing out everything I'm thinking right now, my mind is RACING and my fingers are trying to keep up.
I've decided. Right now.
I'm going to get a set together and play a full set of JUST my songs. Before summer is over. No covers. Just my own stuff.

You have to start somewhere right? I have... maybe.... 12 spiral notebooks FULL of lyrics. Given, some of them are from when I first started writing (aka when I was 12) and are adorably terrible (Allana can testify. The only one I share my complete soul with) :]

I wanna write new stuff though. When I get inspired like this, my mind works better and I get this... ADRENALINE rush. I don't know how to fully explain it but I'm feeling it right now. It's like feeling anxious and excited and nervous-- so my stomach is doing flip-flops. But in a good way! Okay I probably sound like a crazy- but my mind is racing and I just needed to blog.

I love being inspired :)

Quote today:
Always dream and shoot higher than you know how to.
Don't bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors.
Try to be better than yourself.

-William Faulkner

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