Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bad Blogger

I knew I would be bad at this. At least I'm meeting my expectations.

I'm on my way out of the house- just posting quickly for my 5 readers haha.
Life literally has been a rollercoaster. Involving so much emotion. On Friday I was on the top of the world- I had just been given an ensemble role in Cinderella and was going to be paid for it, I had quit my job and my boss was SUPER supportive about it (which was a huge relief) and I just loved life.

Then, not 15 minutes after I quit my job, I got a call from the director saying he hadn't checked with the costumer before he gave me the job- and she had already made all the costumes for the role- and rather than make all new costumes, they were just gonna find someone the same size as the girl who quit.

Shitty. Deal.

I had to pull over I was crying so hard- I just was so heart broken. I had auditioned and not gotten a part before- and that's fine. It's part of the business. But this... I never thought would happen. To be given a role and then have it taken away?

I could be really pissed at people and bitch and complain- so I took the advice of the mentor Blair Bybee (renowned Broadway choreographer/director that I have had the honor and pleasure of working with) and I took my time to be pissed and mad and sad and feel sorry for myself. And then I wiped away the tears and I started the car and I drove to the theatre.

I dropped in on the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee rehearsal, since Chris Thompson is directing it and invited me, and I gave him a big hug and told him what happened. Hoping for a little pity, Chris gave me a "That sucks but at least they called you for the part". No pity. And that's why I love him. It was reality- I was the first person they called for the part- they know they can rely on me if they need me- and overall, that is the most important thing I need to take away from this.

Then the director gave me a hug and said "please don't hate me!" and I laughed and said of course not! I understand- and then I got to sit in on rehearsal. And what a thing to cheer me up! The cast consisted of mostly people who have been touring with Broadway. SO AMAZING. They were great. And I got to talk to them about school and living in NY and shows... it was a great experience.

So now I'm babysitting A LOT- not bad money, and out of no where (it always seems to happen when you least expect it)- I have an amazing boyfriend.

Someone I have been going to school with since 7th grade- who's always been a great friend- and it just kinda worked. Timing has always been off and interesting- and this summer it just... clicked I guess? :) All I know is that I have some butterflies and I like them. And him. A lot.

A funny thing is that guys suck haha.

They rarely speak their minds. Since we made it "facebook official" (because that is the tell-all of the world now I guess!) guys from my past that have always been just friends are confessing their "true feelings". Like... really? You think NOW is an appropriate time to say something? What do you expect to happen?

I appreciate the honesty- but I guess I just don't understand the intention?

Overall- very happy girl. Regardless of the bad. The good overcomes it- as long as I focus on it- which I will do :)

I will try to be better about blogging. Promise.


  1. missing days doesn't make one a bad blogger, plus it all added up into quite an eventful post. You worry too much.

    That being said, I'm sorry we guys suck. I'll have to remember that.

  2. You are not a boy that sucks, Nick. You- ROCK.
