Thursday, June 3, 2010

Dressed in Yell-a

WELL! It's official-


I got a response e-mail this afternoon and it was like my perfect world suddenly collided with my reality.
I honestly thought there was no way I'd be able to do the show, but alas, the e-mail offered me VERY generous compensation and I couldn't say no! Not that I wanted to, but... you know what I mean :)

I am just so thrilled. I can't stop smiling-- I know this is local theatre, but this is a big deal for me. I feel like very slowly my dreams are starting to turn from dreams... to goals. There's a big difference.... to me at least.

A goal is something this is obtainable. Realistic. Something you work towards.

A dream is something you hope for, and will work hard for, but somewhere in your mind- it's a little unrealistic and more something that you imagine in your daydreams happening.

I'm meeting all the right people, impressing all the right people, and this is just the right time. It makes my happiness go WAY up and my worries go WAY down. With this JOB (yes a real, true ACTING JOB!!! AHHHHH :D) I will be able to go to Moscow for 4th of July and see Mandie (and everyone else in Moscow but I miss her the most haha), I will make an adequate amount of money, and I'll be doing what I love. AND GETTING PAID.

I don't know if a lot of people my age know what that's like. Actually- rephrase- I don't know if a lot of people of ANY age know what that's like.
What an incredible opportunity, one that I will NOT take advantage of, and am truly grateful for- to do what I love more than anything in the world and get paid for it.... I can't even explain what that feels like.

I'll try.

It feels like right before you get to the top of the rollercoaster. When you're not quite terrified yet, but you know what's coming. The knot in your stomach. Mixed in with walking next to a boy you have liked for a really long time and all of a sudden he grabs your hand. And then your first kiss. The butterflies.

That's how I feel.

It's pretty great.

I honestly can't be thankful enough, though, for my friends (all across the US btw) who have been cheering me up and making me laugh and just being amazing friends. What an incredible support system I have :)

CANNOT WAIT. Lots of blogs to come about the whole adventure :D


  1. Congratulations, beautiful girl! You deserve this and so much more. I can't wait to see what your future holds- good thing you're a blogger now so I can creepily stalk your life every step of the way! LOL. But seriously, big things are in your future. Congrats on the big break :-)

  2. I know that feeling, and it feels exactly like that (minus the boyfriend kissing me, cuz boys are icky.) Congrats!

  3. I always knew you were going places! But seriously I am so happy for you and proud of you for being brave enough to pursue your dreams. I know how hard you have worked and no one deserves it more than you! Love you my Idol!
