Saturday, June 12, 2010

This is For

I am having the best day. The best day in a looong time.

I spent yesterday evening/night with my best friend, Allana. We went to see Killers- and it was pretty much what I expected script-wise, but other than that it exceeded my expectations. It was way funnier than I thought it would be and Ashton Kutcher was SO likable! Which I find is trying with him sometimes. And of course Katherine Heigel (?sp?) was adorable.

Got some good quotes and abbrevs from the movie :)

Then we went to Denny's and for the majority of time just sat there watching the drunk people. The girls sitting next to us ended up talking to us and they were completely wasted and incredibly hilarious. Got some great quotes from them as well!

Then we went back to the place I'm housesitting for and just had a great girls night.

Then this morning I went shopping with my old best friend Jorie that I have recently reconnected with. Something I love: being apart from someone for a long period of time and then when you see each other again it's like nothing ever changed- there's still that same connection.
That's a special friendship/relationship if you ever find it. One that you should hold on to.

We scored some MAJOR deals at Ross- I got 2 new cute dresses and a little belt (inspiration from Mandie and her super cute style). Then we had lunch and I went to Kels' graduation party and got to spend the day with the Holloways.

And now I'm downtown enjoying a blended bowl of soul at Java and listening to Ingrid Michaelson in the sun.

It's pretty much a perfect day.

The only thing that would make it better would be getting to spend time with the boyfriend- but he's spending the day with his family since he leaves tomorrow morning for San Fran :(

This is pretty much just a blog about my day- which probably isn't interesting to anyone but me. But since I'm switching from journaling to blogging- this is the kind of stuff I write about.

I love going back through my journals and reading- in detail- about a specific day and I always am so grateful that I spent the time to write about it- because when I read over it a year or however long later, it takes me right back to the day and I can remember how I felt.... it's like music. And smells. 2 of the most powerful forms of nostalgia.

Basically I love life.
And I want to share something I've learned about and grown to love over the last 2 years.

In theatre- everything starts from a base of goodwill. You can send it out through yourself to other people just by the energy you give off. And it's such a powerful thing when done truthfully. And it can change a terrible day to a great day.

So I am sending thoughts of goodwill out to everyone- especially those in need of a little today :)

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