Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Oy Ve!

I wasn't going to blog tonight- I had some stuff on my mind but my great day overcame everything that had been weighing me down earlier. THEN- not 5 minutes ago, I got an e-mail. A great e-mail. But I'm not in the greatest of moods.

For those who don't know- I have been blessed with the greatest opportunity so far in my life. I am the Understudy for Tracy in Hairspray this summer at Coeur d'Alene Summer Theatre.

In August, this will be my 8th year living in Coeur d'Alene, and I have been to at LEAST 1 show of every season that I've lived here. I've saved programs and admired all the people that got their picture and bio in them and always told myself that I would do that one day. And now I get to. Sure, I'm an understudy, and I'm not guaranteed a show, but WOW. What an opportunity! To work with a professional theatre company with professional actors...

The e-mail I received tonight was about a spot that opened up in Cinderella- the second show of the 2010 season (Hairspray is the 4th and last of the season)- offering me to take the role. It's in the ensemble, which would be SO fun considering that all 3 Travolta sisters are in it and I would get to work with Margaret Travolta again. And let me tell you- having spent time with her and Ellen... they are HILARIOUS-- I can't imagine how hilarious all 3 of them are together.

The only problem is the two shows (if I accept the role in Cinderella) are so far apart, that it would be completely unreasonable for me to accept a job, and keep the one I already have. Babysitting could still work, potentially. But that's not nearly enough money for the summer.

My instinct was to immediately say YES OF COURSE ARE YOU CRAZY!!!!
But reality is truly a bitch.

This isn't just my heart and my head and trying to figure out who to follow. This is being realistic. I seriously can't NOT make money this summer. It's not an option. And being a student and the roles offered to me are understudy and ensemble, there's not a great chance of compensation there.

This is all very premature- I've e-mailed the director explaining my situation--- I don't even know the rehearsal schedule so who knows- maybe it could work PERFECTLY with my work schedule!

(This is my perfect world again)

What a great opportunity- I really hope I don't have to pass it up.


  1. Oy Messhugga

    Let us know how it works out!

  2. That would be so awesome, but I totally understand your predicament. I hope they offer you something for Ensemble, I feel like that would be totally unfair of them to expect you to do it for free at this point.
    So proud of you, girl!!!!!
